I read online (trying to research) that Medicaid not getting cancelled just work requirements. I guess we will know more when how this is affecting pple is on the news. If not blocked on smart tvs.
I'd never be a Republican.
Unless something changes drastically I'm probably done bothering to vote.
As far as that goes, I doubt we hold any more elections that are significantly different from Russia's. I think the former US is done.
No. Frankly, y'all getting mad and dealing with it might make that goon leave us alone. Oooh. You gave away your benefits. I'm being threatened with invasion. Get your shit together.
I didn’t vote for this shit gibbon nor did I vote for anyone to take away my benefits or anyone else’s. 99.9% sure it was a rigged election! I still don’t know why we didn’t force a full blown investigation into his “win”! Everything he is doing is illegal.
LardASS is soon to be in charge of all federal funding disbursements (impounding right). That is a big consequence of today's cloture vote. Reap what you sow. All of us...
Extremely concerned for myself and my son, and the millions of others who depend on these programs. Wondering, sincerely, how many of us will die. How many have to die until they decide it was a bad idea (if they ever do).
I am Disabled and I am under the age of 65 so I am on Medicaid and social security disability. Like many of the people in my community on here along with many Veterans who are disabled and on the same.
I would have bet a hundred bucks to a donut that they were gonna do it.
I used to be a Democrat. Now I'm not.
I'd never be a Republican.
Unless something changes drastically I'm probably done bothering to vote.
As far as that goes, I doubt we hold any more elections that are significantly different from Russia's. I think the former US is done.