screaming into the void even after talking to fandom friends about it I feel like such a talentless loser I can’t draw, I can’t write cohesively, I can’t make renders, I have nothing creative to offer fandom I just want to feel like I’ve created something that other people enjoy
You craft lore that I KNOW is enjoyed.
Both creative things.
But I've also seen you go and do it for your friends. Today. Just then. And get a loving, warm response. Excitement!
Gods knows I understand your hesitations and fear but I want you to go look at the responses you got to what you shared with your loved ones.
I know Othello well enough, for example, that I think I could write poetry for him. You've shared your creation with EVERYONE. And he is! And you continue to share them as well.
I know it's hard, again, I get it because I feel it too. But I don't wanna see you put this belief about yourself out there without challenging it. You give loads!
Wanting validation is normal and I dare say something all of us could use more of.
Having said that external validation is fleeting and it doesn't matter how much we get, it won't be enough. We need to validate ourselves first.
Imposter Syndrome is a curse and it affects so many of us - I hope you feel better soon. 🫂
1. I don't believe you when you say you're talentless but I also know that when this mood hits hard, reason doesn't land
2. When you share stuff about Othello, it is creative. And he's loved and adored.
4. You can write 50k words of incoherent madness. That's the outlet. You created that for a reason, because
You create, be it a fic, artwork, render, lyrics, or ten pages of bullet points
And that's all there is to having a creative outlet.
However, I get you. I can only write and not even that well. I find learning new skills daunting (parents, do not tell your kids "why do you
So, do as I say, not as I do, I guess. Or rather, I struggle hard to live up to "my own" advice (which is actually advice I get on a regular basis) but I still want to pass it on
You don't have to be good to create. You have to create to create and it's very okay to create for the sake of the process, even if you don't feel that the result is up to your standards yet.
And hey, seeing you
Besides, fandom isn't a race nor a competition. The world is like that enough already, enjoying a fandom can exist separate from that 💚
Download reshade and play around with screenshots.
Nobody knows what they are doing in the beginning, I promise.