2/n Our discussion was based on a review paper I led that summarized advances in neuropsychological test interpretation for clinical practice: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37594687/
3/n On this episode, we talked about some reasons to learn advanced neuropsych interpretation techniques. They can help us be better clinicians, be applied in lots of different scenarios, and set us apart as a speciality
4/n Our paper was based in large part on brilliant work from Brooks et al. (2009): https://psycnet.apa.org/record/2009-11948-009. It focused on representativeness of norms, choosing tests with high reliability and good normal distributions, and utilizing base rate and reliable change methods.
6/n We also talked about how we can improve the field of neuropsychology. We might do a better job coming together as a neuropsychologists to have a say in important topics and got to mention our work on the Alzheimer’s disease diagnostic criteria: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/13872877241292089
7/n I was also asked for advice for trainees, and we talked about the importance of learning about compensation, negotiation, and personal finance. I recommended two books: the Index Card and the Boglehead’s Guide to Investing