Just me.
Those who follow the beliefs of their versions of " #Christianity " skip these chapters, selectively choosing how to shape their beliefs. If #MAGA and the #GOP were true to Christianity they'd follow the Ten Commandments ... the list their leadership has broken over and over. #JustSaying
Christianity was always a control
mechanism designed to make the
individual feel so small they'd never
rebel at all. "Satan had that idea and
look at him!" We see now the result
as people give all to Trump, their fat
When Nietzsche called Christianity
a 'slave morality' he meant this.
Those who follow the beliefs of their versions of " #Christianity " skip these chapters, selectively choosing how to shape their beliefs. If #MAGA and the #GOP were true to Christianity they'd follow the Ten Commandments ... the list their leadership has broken over and over. #JustSaying
mechanism designed to make the
individual feel so small they'd never
rebel at all. "Satan had that idea and
look at him!" We see now the result
as people give all to Trump, their fat
When Nietzsche called Christianity
a 'slave morality' he meant this.