I'd be interested to see if German-language media has a similar cycle when it comes to covering their elections as Anglo media.
For 3 federal elections in a row now, Anglo media has been hyping up a possible AfD victory, and for 3 elections in a row they've massively underperformed expectations.
For 3 federal elections in a row now, Anglo media has been hyping up a possible AfD victory, and for 3 elections in a row they've massively underperformed expectations.
Take Victoria’s byelection, whose Victorian Socialists came in with a huge swing: as big as the liberals.
Yet almost a complete media blackout
We hear so much about the vile far right. Why not more on the more agreeable far left?
Worth coverage.
Swing of 3.7 — as big as the Liberals
Will the media cover it?
Nope — they prefer to cover the far right and help them get air time.
It’s obvious which side the centre allies with.
Another big question is whether investigations into the nasties’ legality actually get anywhere.
On the upside, the FDP can duck off. They’re a hideous lot.
For the casual observer (the vast majority of people) the impression they would have got is that AfD have a strong chance of victory.
Politics are not just red and blue, it's a rainbow, including dirty laundry.