D☭Иald TЯ☭M₽ Has done more damage to the Christian religion than Judas Iscariot
D☭Иald TЯ☭M₽ Is the "Kiss of Death"
D☭Иald TЯ☭M₽ Is the "Kiss of Death"
And was coerced by Jesus to betray him as to fulfill his martyrdom
I’ve always wondered about that
Reminds me of the fake attempt on Trump’s life
At least that’s what a lot of people around the world think
But always of the difference of thought
Now you’ve given me something to think about today
As is the imagery,thought & consequences behind the overturning of the money exchanger tables in Jerusalem
I have walked the stone streets of old Jerusalem
They are relatively small,narrow & winding
I am amazed by the stories of it being full of people
One of the greatest things about reading the Bible is the different interpretations of the scriptures and the discussion about it
As a younger person
I usually liked the Bible study/Sunday school/Catechism more than the mass/worship
I was raised Catholic as well
Re-confirmed and 3rd degree KoC in my late 20’s
Now I have given up on organized religion/humans
But still love my lord
And technically a member/benefactor of a small neighborhood Alguape Catholic church in the Philippines
I think the “Christians” themselves have done more to damage their own religion
Trump isn’t a bible toting zealot.
This is a con to appeal to the actual religious zealots
He could care less about church