Doing this on Facebook now too. It's great. We've tried talking with them and sharing information for YEARS and have only gotten name-calling and verbal abuse for the trouble. Time to prune out the bad-faith people.
I recently followed back someone and was just confronted by something they posted, that had it been on their timeline when I vetted them, I would have blocked them sooner.
Good policies: don't feed the Trolls & don't try to explain reason, logic, empathy, etc. to MAGAts. And when checking to see about following someone(?) back, if they've got NO Posts, but thousands of followers/following, reconsider.
Yep. If people want to fight with MAGA they can go back to Twitter.
The more we immediately block them here without engaging them, the better. And I have a feeling an Instant Block is waaaaaay better than any snarky comment you can come up with.
Do that on all social media. I don't have the time for ignorance, foul language and bullies. If you can't say something respectful then save your words I don't want to read them.
I taught my daughter this lesson very early on. “Hi asshole. Bye asshole. This one simple trick will save you so much time, frustration and heartache.”
It seems some still do not vet their followers.
The more we immediately block them here without engaging them, the better. And I have a feeling an Instant Block is waaaaaay better than any snarky comment you can come up with.