Y’all, I live in Texas and I cannot describe how bad it has gotten here. You see the headlines, but the people who live here have turned into bullies. They’re combative about *everything*. This garbage from the state infects the people living here & it sucks.
Can you leave? If more women just keep refusing to live in a state that practices such cruelty, perhaps such states will begin to suffer. I left AZ for blue WA during orange's first term because I didn't want my dollars going to an orange supporting state. If you can find a way out, please do.
It’ll be time for the Janes again. In spite of the manipulation of religion to suit the patriarchy and zealotry of those who believe they are in control of women’s right to choose. Life does not begin at conception, it’s from first breath and women will not be controlled. Free will always succeeds.
I just can't believe this is happening in my lifetime. We were supposed to be on the right path by now. Instead, we have been dragged backwards over the edge of a cliff....
The only part they left out is that the MAGA male(volent) misogynists will now be forcefully offering to implant their seed in their female patients. All female medical charts will be labeled as OfDonald. FFS. This fascist bigotry is abhorrent.
I couldn't make it through the whole movie. So many negative, heartless things are happening. I may be naive but when I was younger I just couldn't imagine this. Now it is front and center unfortunately. 😢💔
Yes, and instead of taking it for what it actually is...a novel, they turned the story into an instruction manual, just like Orwell's 1984 and Animal Farm...how disturbing this can be?
"Refuse ANY KIND of compromises that can harm you, your family, friends and neighbours anywhere".
A cautionary tale is only a warning if heeded. Texas turns pages, not lessons, and now reality echoes Gilead. When rights become relics, history stops whispering and starts screaming.
Good riddance. Shouldn’t be breaking the law and abortions should only be used in 3 cases
1. Rape
2. Incest
3. Life threatening issues with mother or child.
Actions have consequences. You have sex and get pregnant. Then it’s time to take responsibility.
1) So, you're not a REAL doctor? 2) And you definitely don't understand the laws. Trump has NEVER even been tried for "rape". But, we are collecting screenshots of people who are SLANDERING him. Should make for some interesting lawsuits, don't you think?
TDS is actually the malignancy spread to y’all who openly support a known rapist, thief, convicted felon, pathological lying sadistic narcissist & votes that despicable excuse of a human into our Oval Office!
And that's exactly why we are fighting with all our might against the despotism that comes along with Dumpster and his band of idiots!
Elbows up Canada!
The book served as a cautionary tale, but for years Margaret Atwood carried a file of news, etc., clippings showing that all of the punishments and horrors outlined in her book were all taken from history. Nothing was new. All of the acts had a precedent -- meaning this can and will happen again.
..."These clinics, his office said, “unlawfully employed unlicensed individuals who falsely presented themselves as licensed medical professionals to provide medical treatment”... Again, I hear you but if the allegations are true, women *deserve* proper, legal care by licensed professionals.
We all have. I am pro abortion. To be clear, this arrest is "click bait" (a distraction) for you and the media to exhaust yourself on while the real priority of protecting our judicial system is being attacked TODAY!!! Focus on the judicial.. they are trying to remove and impeach judges.
They're also accepting advice from El Salvador on how to run things. Republicans have been forging strong ties with El Salvador for the last decade.
June 10, 2022
"That was when they suspended the Constitution. They said it would be temporary. There wasn't even any rioting in the streets. People stayed home at night, watching television, looking for some direction. There wasn't even an enemy you could put your finger on"
Midwives are not licensed to perform abortions. It is well outside the scope of practice for a midwife. That people would go to this person for an abortion reveals the cruelty of the law.
2025 is looking like 1965 where back alley abortions were commonplace and women died or were mutilated for life.Texas is a harbinger of things to come unless the American people speak out and stop this before it escalates.🇱🇷😥
I’m in Texas. I know for a fact some women have to flee to California for abortions. Many of these women are in abusive relationships and having a baby with their abuser will make it harder to escape the abuse.
Yes it is & it’s going to lead to hundreds if not thousands of deaths. The government isn’t really pro-life if the mother’s life is irrelevant. The majority of women who do choose to have babies do so with Medicaid paying most of the cost. I live in Texas. I know.
Louisiana copied Texas to put "In God We Trust" displays in classrooms.
Idaho copied the Texas abortion bounty law.
"Refuse ANY KIND of compromises that can harm you, your family, friends and neighbours anywhere".
My body; my choice.
And I say that as a man.
1. Rape
2. Incest
3. Life threatening issues with mother or child.
Actions have consequences. You have sex and get pregnant. Then it’s time to take responsibility.
A dystopian nation is coming. 😢😢😢
Fact check yourself.
Elbows up Canada!
June 10, 2022
Margaret Atwood,
The Handmaid’s Tale