I have been working on getting all the ToA mechanics down solo until I'm confident I won't mess up too much. That way, I'm not worried about being a wasted slot. It's all about taking away legitimacy from your anxiety imo.
I can do every toa room really well individually but I always lose focus at some point and make a stupid mistake and die lmao, I can do Vard for hours and not die but there's just something mindnumbing about Baba and akkha idk lmao
I ran into a clan owner on Twitter, she let me join the clan and poof, social anxiety gone. Plus they do learners every weekend for new members 🙌🏼 so that was a plus. Been a clan member for half a year and I love every single one of those dorks.
thats so sweet aww! im in a cc rn but im still nervous, mainly bc of my voice dsflkjd. i think i just need to do it through the anxiety and trust people are nice
I didn't even get into raids until I maxed my main and I wish I started soooo much earlier! If you don't have friends/clan to teach you, WDR is pretty good with their whole mentor raid system. Players who are willing to teach are almost always understanding of learner mistakes so don't worry!! ❤️