getting the lay of the land on the bye. i’m seeing 3 gruul aggro, 1 azorius oculus, 1 golgari mid, 1 dimir bounce, 1 selesnya cage, 2 orzhov lifegain(?), 1 mono-red goblins, 1 selesnya overlords, and 1 honest to god standard gates deck
r2: 2-0 vs. gruul aggro
i am so so good against this deck, i have so much practice against this deck, i was on the draw both games and it was never particularly close
i am so so good against this deck, i have so much practice against this deck, i was on the draw both games and it was never particularly close
game 1 i went down 35-1 and stabilized and pulled it out, game 2 was never close. i’m cooking today 3-0 baby
game 1 i got mana screwed, game 2 i made a really dumb mistake and lost. gotta keep playing now