My company had United for a few years. All of my doctors hated them! I could never keep track of what I owed who. When I told my cardiologist my company was switching to another Health insurance company, she was ready to hug & kiss me!
It's good to have it explained specifically like that, because the ways the numbers cascade is still wild. It's probably best that other insurance companies were "heavily convinced" not to use low-ball ai claims denial.
With the difference that if the pump doesn't work and the company won't return the money the MAGAts would lynch the cashier, burn down the place and cry for the heads of the CEOs.
Sorry you've had problems with them. This is why I don't understand anyone signing up for Medicare Advantage; it's bad enough you still have to deal with private insurers for supplemental coverage but imagine if you had to do it for everything?
For house insurance there are private adjusters who you can hire to fight the insurance company for you. They basically take a percentage but get way more than you would on your own. Anyone know if health insurance has this?
You know what's really bizarre? These folks on the news who take it as a given that "socialized medicine" is a hellscape private health insurance can only be better than. I'm in Canada, and it really isn't. Plus, people aren't going broke from medical debt here.
It's like carrying full insurance on your vehicle and then finding someone backed into you and gave you whiplash and that isn't covered and now you owe $100,000, but that isn't even a real amount and you can probably negotiate it down if you want to play our stupid game.
It's a lot of blustering to make folks afraid of universal health care. The insurance companies make so much money here.. and they put it into the fearmongering. The money talks.
I remember during the Obamacare debates back when it finally got through you would hear people, even doctors, saying decent health care was something you only deserved by having enough money to afford it. How sick is that?
I've been reminded of Sarah Palin's "death panels" - except she was trying to infer that they would be the result of "socialised medicine" when it seems they're very much the result of insurance health care!
My family in Canada have nothing but positives to say about Canadian Healthcare.
It's a huge reason my husband and I plan to move there in three years. (I need to go back to school so I can be the breadwinner when we move as I'm already a duel citizen but ive been a sahm for 5 years)
Threw out my back a little more than 2 years ago. Ortho wanted an MRI to determine the state of the disc (herniated or protruding), so he could prescribe proper PT. UHC was deny, deny, deny, to the MRI. So, I had to spend $70/session for TENS therapy which was useless, instead of healing progress...
These are criminals they collect multi billions in premium and deny intentionally few millions legit claims its very sad and its criminal our govt must step in to avoid future loss of lives of deceased and accused BOTH are victims of a GREEDY profit taking system.
My father just died in the US because they could not get his leukemia medication for over a month. But hey, yea.. let's complain about Canada. Here we have to save for our medical care in retirement. Here in the US, nursing home care is not a given, even if you can't take care of yourself.
or having the gas station decide you're no longer entitled to the gas because they spent the money before you got back to the pump. You know, like what Leon wants to do with your Social Security
Yes, because simply applauding someone who murdered an insurance CEO isn´t going to change the system, but writing, texting, calling, marching and demanding that Congress address this corruption head on WILL change the system.
ALL insurance companies do it… right now thousands of hurricane victims are fighting for claims on property damage that companies will be reimbursed for through disaster relief
I have submitting healthcare claims for 16 years. Have 2 different cancers simultaneously. My annual bill to Medicare and a third party is between $400,000-$500,000 annually. My out of pocket is $6,000/annually. NEVER ONCE HAD A PROBLEM... for 16 years!!!
This is the way they did business 20 yrs ago. I ran a billing center and UHC was our largest payor. We continually had to refile claims and sometimes rebilled using spreadsheets the amount of unpaid claims were so large. Ended up accepting less than amount owed to get some of our money.
Social contract: Capitalism is supposed to allow the best businesses to work well, not the worst. When Capitalism fails, government regulation should step in. If Government fails to hold capitalism accountable, the people must step in.
I worked in a Dr office for 18 years. United HC was the slowest to pay, the most piddly amounts & they denied the most claims. Everyone in the office dreaded working with them. The. Worst. Company, by far.
It is a disgusting practice that we know is not just associated with this one company. There needs to be way more oversight in all sectors of insurance! Health, car, home! Enough of corporations squeezing Americans! 🤨
Healthcare is a business and a CEO not making money will be replaced. We need to change the system, not blame its brokenness. The first thing Trump and the senate tried to do last time was repeal Obama care, along with Pre existing conditions. We need nationalized health care.
Any MAGA people ignore
I ran into something similar with booking. com After multiple delays due to weather i booked a room last minute at KC airport Taxied over after midnight , hotel wouldn’t honor booking so I paid for a room Neither hotel or booking . com would refund Easy 100% profit
Profits over people: schitt.
Imagine paying thousands of dollars for your mortgage each month, and being told you aren't allowed to live in the house 25% of the year.
It's a huge reason my husband and I plan to move there in three years. (I need to go back to school so I can be the breadwinner when we move as I'm already a duel citizen but ive been a sahm for 5 years)
But here we are, it's 2024, and you're still doing it.
We can get rid of them with Medicare for all. It will be far less expensive for society.
1 out of 5 times. 🙄
They can either accept being dismantled legally or perhaps it will have to be street based attrition.
It's one way (yours) or the other (most of the rest of the civilized world).
There's no in-between
This is just the beginning!
It run worse, and there’s a chance it might even kill it.
-From me and Brenda
Any MAGA people ignore
When it comes to healthcare, the only option besides treatment is death.
Sometimes, suffering for years from easily treated conditions... but ultimately, death.
Question is why states are not choosing to prosecute fraud.