it's not a better idea. what they're doing is subversive and deceptive. it will not reduce cost in the near long term. the increased work load and productivity demands put on remaining employees will cause a high turnover rate and that is expensive!
Yah, after you get so rich, what to you gain from it?
. I have to be the richest
. I have to live forever
. I have to reign
All psychopathic, narcissistic tendencies -- get help!!!
When people believed the propaganda of the Apprentice over Drump’s business record. He even had failed businesses during his tv run. Must be a different Wharton he attended
. I have to be the richest
. I have to live forever
. I have to reign
All psychopathic, narcissistic tendencies -- get help!!!
We not only have ONE,
We have TWO in the White House!😱