I deactivated mines this morning. I won't miss it at all tbh. If this platform doesn't work out I'll just chuck it aswell. I dont have any other social media apart from this. Deleted Facebook at the very start of the covid pandemic, got scunnered reading about pals and relatives problems 🤣
I had to lock my account on Twitter as Musk allowing blocked accounts to see what we have posted. The place is empty since we all came on here 😂 I have Facebook but very rarely go in there .. just for family stuff
Still have mine active. I’m due to fly over next week for 10 days starting with the Hearts match, so keeping it open if there’s an emergency contact situation.
I’ve deactivated, but blue sky is not there yet. Very little about Katie Taylor the last night as an example. I’m hoping with all the Tims on here, there’ll be no shortage of content on match day. Early days, but I love it so far
Leave the Huns there to rot
Getting to much and the reach is rubbish now
Constantly seeing
And occasionally a post about Celtic 😏
More and more accounts moving on here every day.
So empowering too.