I continue to mull ideas for my ambitiously-sprawling Highlands fantasy game of questing knights and teenage struggle.
For fans of RPGS, Mercedes Lackey, &/or Shelved by Genre—what are the defining traits of the Valdemar books to you?
(Signal boosts for reach appreciated, if you’ve no answer.)
For fans of RPGS, Mercedes Lackey, &/or Shelved by Genre—what are the defining traits of the Valdemar books to you?
(Signal boosts for reach appreciated, if you’ve no answer.)
The Valdemar books don't shy away from how dark the setting can get, but if you are willing to throw yourself into the fight, it will be won.
Also fair amount of small-scale interpersonal conflict and pastoral scenes
On a setting level, balkanized, isolated rural pockets.
Weirdly of all things Roadwarden has given me the closest vibe to the Valdemar books. Its topics and tone are diametrically opposed, but it feels v. similar.
It does keep creeping into my writing influences though.
Roadwarden has a lot of conflicted things to say about the outward push of empire, and Valdemar's perspective is "you just need a good monarch instead of a bad one and then border expansion is good."
And I mean Highlands fantasy game is definitely my jam... Even if I'd only want to play a drover.