The result of Musk “feeding USAID to the wood chipper”
$340M in American grown food currently stalled in the US -unable to reach starving ppl in need. Life saving aid has been ceased.
51,946 est American jobs lost
100,000 est global jobs lost
The cruelty of this man knows no bounds
$340M in American grown food currently stalled in the US -unable to reach starving ppl in need. Life saving aid has been ceased.
51,946 est American jobs lost
100,000 est global jobs lost
The cruelty of this man knows no bounds
If you are an aid agency with operatives giving malaria vaccines in the field who just got your funding cutoff you won’t trust US funding again.
China will willingly fill the gap. Trump is relegating the USA to irrelevance
So many programs that are life saving and have global implications
It’s just attacking the lowest hanging fruit do they can give the appearance of power
Musk needs to go & look the starving children in the eyes his destruction of USAID has resulted in
How many billions is enough for him?