I can’t deny what everyone is talking about right now — the market is shit, narrative is being disproportionately affected within that market. My own personal story is so full of frustration I don’t really want to share it, but I will say
I moved to China on the other side of the WORLD because NetEase was the only place that would hire me. I’m still contracted with them for part-time work. So I’m doing it. But not enough to pay the bills. Not nearly enough. And even though I have the experience, no one even looks at my resume.
You tried Yotta? They're a Chinese mobile games publisher and developer, and from what I've heard they pay rather generously to their English speaking NDs.
Anyway. I am a narrative designer with a background in programming. I have experience with RPG game design, group brainstorming, storyboarding, prototyping, directing talent, and working with large IPs that are decades old. I’m willing to relocate. I’m a catch, if anyone still has their net open.
I've been in your shoes - wanted desperately to work in gaming, and ended up working as a writer on a popular mobile gacha game that will stay unnamed. Absolutely atrocious, exploitative experience for trash pay. Don't think I'd do it again. The glamour of "writing for games" doesn't cut it anymore.
This is what I want to do as well, but every logical part of my brain is telling me that it's a terrible idea given how everyone is being ground to dust.