My most recent reads... 👀
Right, folx, what should I read next?! I'm a sucker for sci-fi and weird fiction, but always up for hearing about your faves of any genre. 📚
Especially keen to find stories that will absolutely rip my heart out and spit on it, or just really eff with my mind a bit. Ta! 🙏🏻
Right, folx, what should I read next?! I'm a sucker for sci-fi and weird fiction, but always up for hearing about your faves of any genre. 📚
Especially keen to find stories that will absolutely rip my heart out and spit on it, or just really eff with my mind a bit. Ta! 🙏🏻
A little dated in terms of stereotypes/language but not Lovecraft levels of awful.
Also The City & The City by Mieville, his finest book by miles.
If you want a calming, pastoral post apocalyptic novel, i highly recommend "a boy and his dog at the end of the world".
It's about a guy who steals a boys dog, and the boys quest across an abandoned Europe to get the dog back.
"What The Hell Did I Just Read" and "If This Book Exists You're In The Wrong Universe" are fantastic and weird.
"Kraken" is beautiful at both foreshadowing and misdirection.
Its a short novella and very atmospheric. Cannibal mermaid meets plague doctor and there's some freaky forest children
Will definitely check it out, thanks!
“Shockwave Rider”
“The Sheep Look Up”
“Crucible of Time”
Old-school 1950s but the best of that era, imho.
“Hail Mary”
“The Egg”
“ The Martian”
His characters are excellently crafted and his stories are riveting. Andy has kept me up all night several times, cannot put his books down.
hey, check out house of leaves or raw shark texts. you'll dig em!