And like clockwork, as has been the case countless times before, the qanon types and others most vocal about protecting children from “groomers” will dismiss his accusations as politically/religiously motivated, insisting he is innocent and the real threats are of course the “deviants”
It isn't enough to traumatize and rape innocent children's minds with their sicko reeeeligious grooming, they have to impose their creepy filthy bodies on innocent children all while hiding behind and using the word Christian. So tired of their deceitful, evil criminality.
1/2 The hypocrisy and lawlessness is astounding. I keep repeating this in my posts but it’s EXACTLY like the late Alexei Navalny’s descriptions in his autobiography, “Patriot” in the former Soviet Union and today’s Russia. Their corruption, lawlessness, lies and hypocrisy can be here in the U.S.
2/2 In 2006 I visited 15 cities in China. They had populations of 30 million and were highly sophisticated and developed. I visited Russia the same year and it was like going back to the 50’s. Think about this, other than oil, vodka & caviar, what does Russia produce? That’s what will happen here.
You know, Elon is building a preschool on his creepy TX commune and is obsessed with digging tunnels... Are these guys running a giant underground pedophile network connecting the nation's MAGA churches? Just asking questions!
A story as old as time. The powerful harming the innocent and claiming it is their right and the fault of the innocent. The church could end it. This is not new. Predators love religion because it is unlimited forgiveness for unlimited bad behavior and the victims are shamed into forgiveness.
no one serious to ending sexual abuse or pedophilia supports Donald J Trump.
Rightwing Religious men are disproportionately likely to offend against children
All caps …