I am at the other end of the spectrum.
I am not interested in Androi beyond a couple of mandatory apps (mostly the chat my circle of close friends insists on using - WhatsApp - and a few things required for Banking) (and even those have alternatives nowadays).
#SailfishOS is in my personnal […]
I am at the other end of the spectrum.
I am not interested in Androi beyond a couple of mandatory apps (mostly the chat my circle of close friends insists on using - WhatsApp - and a few things required for Banking) (and even those have alternatives nowadays).
#SailfishOS is in my personnal […]
(I've had also nice experience with Palm/HP's webOS distro before LG decided to use it only on TVs. Though less happy with Palm's first Pre hardware iterations)
Currently I use a Sony Xperia 10iii with the official licensed SailfishX (with AppSupport fo the 1-2 android apps I must use)
And […]