its the hand on chest & emphasis that makes it the Nazi salute. Over on Twatter he is sucking up all the praise from his cult , so desperate to find any democrat or pop star putting a hand out... but they are all incorrectly taking a quick innocent pix of a hand out- they aren't this Salute.
Contact every Legion association, every politician
25 Million ALLIED troops died fighting Nazis no way one gets to walk into the White House
This has to be denounced swiftly
Hey, don’t joke about anything for the next 4 years. It’s all serious, all the time. Kidding….I got called a cunt earlier for making a dumb joke about Weelon. People already lining up to put a woman in her place I guess…. Fuck em.
Mommy musk be so proud.
25 Million ALLIED troops died fighting Nazis no way one gets to walk into the White House
This has to be denounced swiftly