7. Favorite Mythical
Always has been Jirachi since I first encountered it in Pokemon Pinball. Went out of my way to preorder Colosseum just so I could get it through the bonus disk. Ok now I need to change my answer to the first question. Sorry Mudsdale, but Jirachi is my fave.
8. Favorite Mega Evolution
I don't really like most mega evolution designs, but mega Ampharos is neat. The tail looks like whipped cream with cherries.
Probably Baxcalibur because I actually got to use a pseudo on my main campaign team for once.
Always has been Jirachi since I first encountered it in Pokemon Pinball. Went out of my way to preorder Colosseum just so I could get it through the bonus disk. Ok now I need to change my answer to the first question. Sorry Mudsdale, but Jirachi is my fave.
I don't really like most mega evolution designs, but mega Ampharos is neat. The tail looks like whipped cream with cherries.
Muk. It looks like all of the playdough I had squished and mashed together as a kid.
Zigzagoon and Darmanitan. One is a KISS reference and the other is a snowman. That's it that's all I've got.