The mid term elections will be a tell all moment. I see landslide victories for the republicans after this last election. I read where the chances of flipping all swing states was 14.2 million to one. States always turn purple before they change colors.
We need to freeze his assets and kick musk out of the country. Then we need to replace ALL the computers, servers, network hardware. Assume it's all compromised
once a hacker is in your system they will always be in your system. First thing every one of these kids did was create backdoors into every system they gained access to.
Pretty sure we know what he was up to now. Info is coming out slowly, but it is there. Evidence of altered votes from the tabulator systems. No smoking gun yet except for the statistically impossible scenarios :P Definitely a space to watch
Why isn't a single American fighting to save the United States?
They’re bad regardless of which side of the political aisle you are on.