Important for the next time you’re at a party and someone makes this frankly unforgivable error.
Reposted from
David Shiffman, Ph.D. 🦈
For the last time:
“Elasmobranchs” are sharks, skates, and rays.
“Chondrichthyans” are sharks, skates, rays, and chimaeras.
These terms are not interchangeable. Stop using them interchangeably!
“Elasmobranchs” are sharks, skates, and rays.
“Chondrichthyans” are sharks, skates, rays, and chimaeras.
These terms are not interchangeable. Stop using them interchangeably!
Chimaeras are cartilaginous fish in the order Chimaeriformes known informally as ghost sharks, rat fish, spookfish, or rabbit fish; the last three names are not to be confused with rattails, Opisthoproctidae, or Siganidae, respectively.
Unforgivable errors abound, it seems.