I really like the Os too :) One of them is Crater Lake, in Oregon, that we've been too, and the other is Manicouagan Reservoir in Quebec which I know of because I was once following hubby on a flight to Chicago on a flight tracker and he flew right over it so I had to google it!
Yes, the "O" in Fox is the Manicougan Reservoir. I flew over it coming back to Toronto from Iceland. I was very excited to see it! I remember Sophie when you mentioned it on the other place.
Btw when I said 'on there' I meant in the Landsat alphabet, not in our names, in case that wasn't clear! As I did scroll over each one to see where it was 😁 Yes, I liked the O's too, I did it a few times to get ones I liked (& not the have the n (that you see 3 of us have) in its red version!)