Looks like @nytimes.com has stealth-edited this to add Evans' affiliation with Young Republicans. No correction or update note.
I don't think I've ever worked with a single editor who would let me get away with that but it seems to happen regularly over there.
I don't think I've ever worked with a single editor who would let me get away with that but it seems to happen regularly over there.
Or are you heckling him like I always enjoy doing?
Real. What on earth.
When I was a young thing, all I knew was the reputation.
Why the fsck is anyone bothering with a nazi fan club newsletter masquerading as an actual news outlet?
How many times do they have to goose step before y'all say...
Hey they are a nazi paper & untrustworthy?
It's not just about corrections, of course. It's also about updates to breaking news stories.