Councillor Holyday has motions.
1. Consider tax increase at or below inflation next year
2. Bring back mechanical leaf collection.
3. Return "excess dividends" to taxpayers.
4. Look at ways to make Bike Share profitable.
1. Consider tax increase at or below inflation next year
2. Bring back mechanical leaf collection.
3. Return "excess dividends" to taxpayers.
4. Look at ways to make Bike Share profitable.
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"Mayor Chow's budget does not deliver value for money for taxpayers."
1. Report on a Community Benefit Charge Allocation Framework.
2. Make sure City Hall has enough in the reserve funds to weather a trade war.
1. Report on impact to property taxes if land transfer tax revenue went away.
2. Separate efficiencies from other kinds of savings in budget reports.
3. Request the TTC look for savings, and consider a fare increase next year.