What's your favorite game in each genre?
Racing: Crusin' USA
RPG: Knights of the Old Republic
Fighting: Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo
Platformer: Mario Bros. 3
Adventure: The Red Strings Club
Puzzle: Tetris
Sports: NBA Jam
Shooter: CoD: MW2 (og)
Sim: N/A
Horror: RE3
Reposted from K_MartX
What's your favorite game in each genre?
Racing: Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
RPG: Secret of Mana
Fighting: Marvel Vs Capcom 2
Platformer: Castlevania III
Adventure: Zelda: Twilight Princess
Puzzle: Tetris
Sports: Tecmo Super Bowl
Shooter: Metroid Prime
Sim: SimCity 3000
Horror: Resident Evil Remake
