No words. The US spent somewhere north of 20T in today’s dollars on defense between 1948-89 —in part—to fight the Cold War against the USSR
Today, the US admin staged a show of support for a murderous Russian dictator.
And the real hero sat to the right of the man that’s betraying our country.
Today, the US admin staged a show of support for a murderous Russian dictator.
And the real hero sat to the right of the man that’s betraying our country.
Their official website for support: (and SHARE)
Eyeshadow boy Vance is an absolute asshat creep.
Getting Putin to call his boys and toys back to the homeland is strong. Putin was supposed to win in 3 days. It has been 3 years and 700,000 troops...he is weak. USA should go in for the kill!
We all should be in the streets...
We should be thanking him for keeping Putin at bay for three years.
This reflects poorly on all Americans. It is not America-strong, it is America-floundering, losing its leadership.
Ofc many many others one could reference. Trump is so close to leaving NATO and declaring an alliance with the gas station with nuclear weapons (that probably haven’t been maintained and don’t work well anymore)