“What are you going to do about your farm?”
“I’m going to have to plan my succession differently.”
“Is that such a bad thing?”
“It is to me, personally.”
Jon and Lewis asked farmers protesting how Labour’s inheritance tax plan will affect them.
“I’m going to have to plan my succession differently.”
“Is that such a bad thing?”
“It is to me, personally.”
Jon and Lewis asked farmers protesting how Labour’s inheritance tax plan will affect them.
They can adapt, although small farmers don’t need to.
Do they pay taxes differently to individuals farms? clearly inheritance tax isn't applied.
Say if a supermarket bought a farm and owns it and the assets but pays a tennant?
3:58 if you want the time stamp
We could list times politicians have lied live on tv till the cows come home, much easier looking at thing’s implemented than what has been said
From my local area around 65%, probably difficult for you as there is no farming in central London
Definitely a good thing.
I feel like he may be one of those people who only believe figures/stats if they are printed in the Daily Mail.
That interview sums up their selfishness and how out of touch they are with the vast majority of other hard working people.
Because of the need for affordable human accommodation.
1 acre of land can be used to build up to 20 homes, it would not be enough for even 2 cows.