My pick for white common: Banishing Light
These cards are just like almost always the best white common right?
These cards are just like almost always the best white common right?
Unnerving Grasp at common? Kinda, not really, still good though!
Cheap, efficient removal that doubles as a strong combat trick. Nice.
So flexible, great removal, great burn, cheap but with a more expensive option to close the game out or remove bigger threats. Feel like this will just be the best common in general idk.
Playing this turn 1 on the play is going to put you in a very strong position and I feel like this card will be responsible for some quick games.
I just think this card will win the game most of the time when you play it. Either the turn you play it or the turn after. Idk.
Both of these cards just give really good value I feel. Getting a body + drawing a card is always good. Removing your opponents big threat for 1 + a small creature or 5 both sound good.