ugh I really need to let go of my perfectionism. I hate it when I look at my art and can only see the mistakes. I wish could focus on the things I did right and not hyperfocus on things I did wrong. Cause no matter how much I improve, there will always be some mistakes. 🥹
But I do.
I made a mistake, and to fix it requires ripping up hours of work.
I’m going with the fact that I made it and I am not perfect. Moving on to finish the project.
in fact everything you see came from what would be considered mistakes. we have a word for it: evolution. without mistakes, life would not exist. imagine if anything other than rocks got deleted cause it's not a rock.
i didn't had time to look at possible mistakes and make it perfect.
so i intentionally allowed my art to have mistakes in em and lowered my "standard" greatly
mistakes are ok and valid :) its important to let them happen
Everyone is a critic.
Try photographing the piece and look at the photo rather than the original.
I find that helps somehow.
i found the 80/20 pareto principle useful for containing my perfectionism to 80% rather than the highly improbable 100% lol
You mean creative process?
2. Perfectionism is seeing your art through everyone else's eyes as well as your own and trying to please all of them at once, so you're paralysed. I'll zone in on a detail so small that nobody else would ever know- because I'm too conflicted to make any big decisions
Sorry for the rant! Just made me think. Hope it helps :)
Most people will never notice "mistakes" unless you point them out. Besides, mistakes are part of the process, sometimes they completely change the direction or meaning. Mistakes make art unique & interesting.
Love them. 😀
One thing that helps me is doing blind contour drawings because they’re gonna look fucked up anyways LOL
All silver prints from the same negative is different. No copy of a painting is true. Brushstrokes, canvas, everything is different. You are not a machine. Rejoice in it.
no matter their size. That's what makes a Human a Human. "Nobody is perfect."
I export and post it.
Only then do I notice something wrong.
It then haunts me.
Rinse and Repeat.
I hate it.