All it does is show the same British tactics to maintain BRITISH colonial rule. The misapplication here and false equivalence is that it was done to foster Jewish immigration as a colonial impetus. That is absolute horseshit and at complete odds with the history of Jewish emigration to the Levant...
Reposted from
Ian Mosby
This is covered quite extensively by historian Carolyn Elkins, whose book Legacy of Violence tracks the movement of leaders, military tactics as well as literally hundreds of Black and Tans from Ireland to Palestine.
But normal Tsarist conscription did apply to Jews and you really did not want to be a Jew - and above all not an Orthodox Jew - in an army officered by and full of anti-Semites which was reason enough to emigrate.
so which part of "enumerating" you do not get
That has fuck all to do with either Jewish emigration or Arab nationalism. Those were forces operating independent of colonial...
Obviously the histories of Ireland and Palestine are unique. But there is a common thread that is essential if you want to understand both: the British Empire.