Felt cute; animated later
Me telling you that it's okay if you squirm a bit in the middle of the night. Just a nice rub and back to sleep with both of us~
#vore #belly
Me telling you that it's okay if you squirm a bit in the middle of the night. Just a nice rub and back to sleep with both of us~
#vore #belly
(As in, you can pet my belly~)
u got amazing pred vibes... auuu...
(and if my prey is too, bonus points)
as a switch, when im in a pred mood i love keeping preythings comfy... wholesome and chill or wholesome and horny... both really good vibes...
And I totally agree. My sleep is already disruptive so having some prey squirms act as a little alarm clock wouldn't bother me a wink
And the person on my belly thanks you too~