I’m a border hawk. I believe you don’t have a sovereign nation if u don’t secure your borders. And I used to oppose a pathway to citizenship. But then I listened to people. And opened my heart. And realized it’s the right thing to do, and a necessary part of any fix to our broken immigration system.
Refuse entry for the workers, and they’re going to pick up a gun in their home countries.
That’s not speculation and you know it as you read this. And then US troops have to be called in…
What do we do with the people that are here now?
How do we stop the wave of illegal immigration?
Those require very different solutions.
There's a difference between someone who is a secure border advocate and someone whose just a massive jerk.
Glad you figured it out.
Otherwise how do we fill those jobs that Americans won't do? Also, it's a case against universal minimum wage 😞 let the market decide.
Also, how craven that big-shot Republicans entice these people to enter through job opportunities, profit from their hard-working tenacity, and then want to kick them back out.
It's nothing short of cruelty. (Also, big businesses don't want them gone; if they did, they'd support e-verify.)
They allow us to have our goods and services at low cost. And in the end that's what we all want.
Any version of a full blown "fix" is not in this reality, not even if rapistrump gets to bring in volunteer snipers.