The Christian right is certainly far away from anything I was taught in Sunday school as a child. The things they say are the exact opposite of what I was taught.
No Felon Trump, you owe Jesus,and his gospel an apology. You insult God by using his church to win over gullible an unbelieving MAGA and then you want God's faithful
servant to apologise to you for speaking his truth? You have never read the Bible and you do not know the kingdom message that Christ brought yet you sell bibles to con the gullible. What an evil hypocrite you are!God will destroy you before you destroy America. Mark my words!
Her calls for mercy will be met with death threats and hate mail. There is nothing decent in MAGA world. Every Republican who stands by as this happens is complicit.
So do you think while trump was listening to this absolutely beautiful moving sermon that maybe he said to himself " wow she is right. I do need to be more human"? ..............😂😂 I mean if you were not moved by those words you have no soul.
So weak. If he’d ever learn to keep his mouth shut, a public callout like this would be buried in headlines by all the EO noise. Now trumpers will look up her speech to share the “outrage” & I’d bet more than one will be touched.
Bishop Mariann FTW
Convicted felon, adjudicated rapist Donald Trump is a disgrace and not very good at his job. Stop with the lies about how criminal and murderous immigrants are! Americans are for more likely to commit violent crimes. He should know. He just pardoned 1500 who committed crimes in his name. Ass!
The bishop was respectful, well- spoken and truthful. She did and said what a follower of Jesus is called to do: speak truth to power in love. Such a stark contrast to the hypocrites and false prophets of the evangelical white church who have sold their souls to antichrist.
Listen FELON47, You and your family were VISITORS in HER home/church. Her rules, her voice. YOU have NO right to tell a preacher what to say in her CHURCH! FELON47 is a FAKE Christian, only doing this for his followers and photo opt. So, have your toddler temper tantrum. You will be going to HELL!
Unfortunately your bible and your god are both bullshit, and if there is a god, it’s either a horrible piece of shit or the worst creator in the universe.
She is such a gem in this crazy world. It feels like she is brave in this climate but these are the words of Christ. I doubt she felt fear because she knows she is following Christ’s teaching .. I just hope she doesn’t get MAGA death threats.
Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde’s honest words hit a nerve with trump- politicians should hear her words, and stop seeing how high they can jump for the pos!
Such a miserable excuse for a human. He can spew lies and shit-talk about anyone and that’s ok, in fact it’s great, but let anyone stand up and criticize him and he turns into Lord Farquaad
The more people we have speaking out in a time of DT censorship and twisted truths the better. He has no respect for any institution, especially ones with women in charged.
I enjoyed the body language of the entire Trump clan. And would have loved to have seen Mike Johnson who was in the front row across the aisle from Trump I would have loved to have seen the reaction from a man who claims to hear Moses talking to him.
Say Mr 💩🤡the LIER AND CHEAT. Who has NO EMPATHY AND NO COMPASSION.Hurt his Fat Stupid feeling and he makes everyone else the Problem. Mr Idiot, Mr Pooping my pants! Sell us more bull 💩you fat 🤡
What an impotent loser. If he really was such a tough guy who was this disrespected why didn’t he stand up right there in the middle of church and put her in her place? OH? Because he’s a weak POS? Runs to the toilet to post this trash on his own app. Jesus weeps.
She doesn’t owe trump or the country anything. Trump and family are completely disgusting. I doubt she hates anyone including him. However she probably pities him
Bishop Mariann FTW
He was absolutely enraged by her sermon, those long blinks… he’s a bad poker player
Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. By their fruit you will recognize them.
Trump's tweet here definitely screams man of God, no?
The Pastor did nothing wrong, and anyway, in his inauguration speech, he said he was bringing back free speech to the USA.
I rest my case.