This is all on you Donald Trump. This is all on you. Any violence these two criminals engage in, any further crimes they commit, is all on you Trump. You freed them. You put your own selfish, traitorous interests ahead of the nation’s interests. Yet again.👇
Cope AI bot, cope.
The only consolation is that these whiney-threat traitors were on the receiving end of their cellhusbands’ insurrection for the duration of their shortened incarceration.
Recall Adolf's SA?
Or Stalin's NKVD?
That's on you. Trump or some other demogogue was the inevitable outcome.
You did this.
It was a lawless, violent, criminal insurrection -
promoted, guided, aided and ultimately 'pardoned' by Trump and #Republicans 👿
You freed them. You put your own selfish, traitorous interests ahead of the nation’s interests. Yet again.