He is trying to portray Russia as a victim who just wants peace but evil Zelenskyy doesn't. He is headed towards using this, and the backing of the EU for Ukraine, as a reason to send soldiers to the war to fight with "peaceful Russia". Mark my words
Unfortunately, most of Congress is going to show up Thursday night and listen to him talk like nothing‘s happening. It’s infuriating, the lack of leadership that we are witnessing right now.
Many Trump voters don't fully agree with him. Some prioritize immigration, oppose trans women in sports, or are anti-abortion. Interestingly, some Democrats don't acknowledge that many on the left share similar views, leading to lower voter turnout. Politics is more nuanced than it seems.
True, but knowing full well what he was capable of (he's never hid his ambitions) they still went ahead and put a cross in that box. I find that unforgivable
He’s allied with Putin and so is North Korea. They’re sending their soldiers to fight against Ukraine. They say that if the war continues, they will send more.
Where are the democratically elected republican congressmen and senators? Saying nothing and letting trump move America towards the "axis of evil" is not what the American people want. You swore an oath to the Constitution. You were elected to support Americans.
He probably has a Russian birth certificate, check it.
He is definitely a Russian agent
He has definitely laundered a shot load of Russian money
He's not a business man he is a fraud and a felon
If you have any ideas about getting this idiot out of the White House and into a safe quiet jail cell please let the American people know what we can do to assist. Protests are fine and show opposition to the cause but that will not save our Nation.
In another time period of your nation he would now be swinging from a tree with the end of a rope around his neck.
As what he is doing is pure treason as he is handing you over to the enemy on a silver platter.
There is only but one punishment for treason against your Society and that is death.
Isn't that obvious he is a Russian asset. It sounds so preposterous that people tried to shut out such a thought. But face the fact now: he is a Russian asset developed deep over many years. He had placed sycophants in charge of DOJ, FBI and other intelligence services. Can he escape accountability?
I know. We have to keep talking to them (the individual Congress members). They are slowly starting to get the message: TRUMP IS NOT FIT TO BE PRESIDENT. He is physically unfit, emotionally unfit, mentally unfit, and spiritually unfit. (IMHO)
• 25 amendment. Trump is mentally incapable of the duties of office.
• Impeachment for the unauthorized destruction of the federal government and constitutional overreach (art 2)
• 14 amendment disqualification for organizing Jan 6 inserection
Trump offers for sign:
-50% of minerals to US for already given aid,NOT NEW AID
-status sqo for occupied land in ruSSian favour
-lifting sanctions to ruSSia
-zelensky leaves
-no NATO
-no aid
If not sign:
-status sqo for occupied land in ruSSian favour
-lifting sanctions to ruSSia
-no NATO
-no aid
Putin's Puppet & his seditious CoConspirators
Sedition is overt conduct, such as speech or organization that tends toward rebellion against the established order. Sedition often includes subversion of a constitution & incitement of discontent toward, or insurrection against, established authority.
The 1987 film “No Way Out” needs to be showing on a constant loop so that everyone can see an example (though fictional) of how Russia uses assets over decades, within US government. Great movie. Frightening reality #kevincostner #genehackman @mgmstudios.bsky.social #appletv
2b clear, I'm not inciting any violence, but I'm getting a bit confused because for 30 years, I've heard 2nd Amendment fanatics speaking about patriotic self-reliance against tyrany...
Idk if we're gonna hear about their anger soon if ever, or if they'll walk in the street as brown shirts.
With Trump’s UN vote siding with Putin and withdrawing of military aid to Ukraine it looks like America has joined what George Bush referred to as an “ Axis of Evil”
And where are all the Democrats we voted in? Are they doing anything about it? Nope. Not that I can see except for a few here and there they're all just sitting on their laurels and their pocketbooks and their wallets waiting for their term to end.
GOP are cowards but at this point, knowing Trump’s narcissism, we’d have to assume he’s holding them hostage/blackmailing. Trump has no integrity or loyalty to our country.
It’s obviously now, it’s up to the every day America to solve this asap.
Musk/Trump are not just on Putin's side. Our government is now a puppet government of Putin just like Belarus with our allies applying sanctions (tariffs) against us.
As you know well, any tariffs being applied to American export goods by America's erstwhile allies are in reply to the tariffs applied by the USA to their allies and neighbours., so don't complain about allies applying sanctions like it was unprovoked.
Maybe not, but traditional tariffs were used to punish countries for anti-trust actions or issues to make those countries make changes or punish for thier actions planned or already occuring. Therefore "sanctions" may be the correct word. It is punishment for the Musk/Trump actions.
In his first term this same group of TDS afflicted gaslighters screeched that Trump was going to start WW3.......now they're upset that he is trying prevent WW3
Absolutely, and if Russian money helped sustain Trump’s businesses, we must also ask: did it also help propel him to the US presidency - twice? And if so, what does Trump owe in return? Please read and share our article https://www.plagueisland.com/p/the-art-of-the-steal-the-illusion
Ask yourself, if Trump were a fully compromised Russian agent loyal to Russia what would he be doing differently than what he's actually doing? Think about it.
One thing that needs to be emphasized here. Anyone who has studied Lennin and Stalin should recognize what happened. This was a “struggle session”. That is, an orchestrated ritual humiliation of a political enemy, conducted in public. It's goal is to intimidate and that tactic should be emphasized.
This is exactly why Putin didn’t invade Ukraine during Trump’s first term – just like now, Trump was doing everything that Putin wanted, and Putin didn’t want to make things difficult for his greatest asset.
Remember he only exists in media. He wants power, riches & freedom at the expense of every living being on the planet. He must be stopped by using what he fears-he fears being ignored & being a nobody, irrelevant. Take away his bullhorn, mute him, his words have no meaning.
Trump rejected the Constitution, what are Americans going to do about it?
Any elected republican supporting this "bloodless coup" can be arrested and easily prosecuted at the state level.
A Georgia Grand Jury indicted Trump for violating his oaths of office.
Force state AG's to do their jobs.
What does it take to get Americans to stand with America? Open our borders, like nobody else? Allow Ukraine to kill it's citizens in a winless war? Send our children to die on foreign soil of a corrupt country? Disregard all the incoming fentanyl? Americans are weak.
Republicans have blocked fentanyl detection machines at the borders for seven years.
Republicans rejected spending for thousands of Border guards, amnesty judges, processing folks for years since 2021.
Texas and Arizona should be forced to pay for the immigration problem, they created the problem.
I think there was a lot more in those bills. But, go ahead and ignore the obvious. Like the billions upon billions to give to Ukraine to keep their war going. Yea, that one needed to be done over.
We promised Ukraine that we would protect them if they removed their nukes.
Republicans wasted more money than we have have spent providing arms made in the U.S. to Ukraine by not passing a budget in 2023 or 2024. Take your pick.
The last time republicans passed a budget, Clinton was in the Oval.
Sadly nothing can be done about it since Biden refused to do anything about the corrupt supreme Court. The Communist control act is a part of the 14th amendment.
Hmmm! what is Trump getting? No one ever answers that, Just a bunch of accusing with no facts to back it up. Prove to me that he wants to destroy the free world. Seems Trump haters like fraud and endless wars, Go Figure.
I hope most Americans are asking what Trump's end game is? It's clear Trump's loyalties lie with Russia's Putin and not with the USA and I believe the same thing for Captain Ketamine, his main campaign donor, now co-president.
Lil joe walsh, you bend over and give zelensky what he wants, but beware you will die over there in the never ending war. Putin is smart li,e trump, neither want war...too bad about your narrow mindedness, glad your not in charge
You claim Putin doesn't want war. He literally sent his army to conquer Ukraine. If he wanted peace, all that is required is for his troops to go home.
Yea and he's got a congress full of support that aren't going to do shit. They wouldn't even impeach him last time when the barbarians were literally at the gates. Congress ain't going to do shit, either aisle.
Did he bully Z? Or did they have a deal and this was suppose to be just ceremonial? Either way Zelensky chose war and money over the possibility of peace.
So he made a choice and we should respect it instead of forcing his choice. That I agree with. I for one think it's our choice to sit this war out and not contribute to more death and let their war play out. Hopefully in Ukraines favor.
Lessons in dictatorships, create chaos and when the system breaks down declare martial law indefinitely. I’m praying the judicial branch holds firm as well as the military
that was the executed plan to bully zielinsky until he walked out so they didn't have to give him any more money Trump has been a russian useful idiot since the 1980s
Trump's way to honor the Oath he took!
"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."
At what point can our military create a coup of it's own to take over Trump's New Hitler Regime? No one would have ever considered talking about doing such a thing! How long is it going to take for something to actually happen before people are forced into an unjust war? We back Ukraine.
Yeah, I really didn't think that strategy was going to work. So. What's next Sherlock? Keep throwing money and bodies at the problem? Or maybe a different pretty girl?
Ic-yall-mi, we're moments away from a"Russian"coalition force drivin-up in"Humvees(Ours),JLTVs,M1117ASVs"knock on our doors&with a deep accent,contempt&total disrespect, "DEMAND",that WE get into the"TRUCKS"&this after, President Musk &"CheetoLini"turn our"USA"into melted "JELLO" to welcome,"VLAD"?
FYI Joe, if you have not viewed Malcolm(Black Man Spy)Nance's latest posting on"Substack"...well partner, you need to immediately cease&desist(stop)what you're doing right now&view what i deem as the clarion call to our hearts&heads aka, "An Urgent S.O.S/Communique from a #PatrickHenry "PATRIOT"...
How long will America put up with this ignorant pile of orange dog shit?
All the history I've studied says we kick kings and dictators in the balls and send 'em packing.
I hope to God that it happens. I never imagined that we'd see a presidency like it. It's horrific to watch from across the pond, but living under it must be horrendous.
sadly the only way their gonna get voted out-is if they screw over the maga base. and their bar is set so low the rest of us have to suffer a little longer-but these tarrifs and our upcoming recisson should do the trick!
I just hope the scales fall from their eyes sooner rather than later. But then, like you say, their bar is set low. It's incredible that anyone would think they were fit to be in charge.
The whole world can see T***p’s position is to aid and support Russia, so why the hell can’t Washington??? Why in the f**k hasn’t he been impeached yet?? Makes me so mad! What else is it going to take????
Because the Republican Party is full of cowards and fools. Trump can't be impeached by just Democrats now. The Republican Party needs to cooperate and that is not in their plan. Somehow we need to wake the Republicans. As long as all they watch is Fox, they have no idea what's even happening.
Fox news has spewed nothing but racism and hate for many years. It is too bad the American people can't initiate their own impeachment through the courts on the whole republican body. I bet there would be enough signatures for that!
United24 was launched by Zelenskyy as a way for donors to contibute to
.Defense & demining
.Medical Aid
$$ is transferred to Natl Bank of Ukraine & then ditributed
THIS IS LEGITIMATE. Use only the official website:
https://u24.gov.us to avoid scams
all that time and effort stocking his administration with young female staffers
and he can rarely even get it up !
He is definitely a Russian agent
He has definitely laundered a shot load of Russian money
He's not a business man he is a fraud and a felon
Trump has betrayed his oath and the citizens of America.
He's betrayed our allies and compromised our security.
How many Americans will die, on American soil, for his treason?
Republicans are afraid of MAGA but they should really be afraid of us.
As what he is doing is pure treason as he is handing you over to the enemy on a silver platter.
There is only but one punishment for treason against your Society and that is death.
You voted for him!
• 25 amendment. Trump is mentally incapable of the duties of office.
• Impeachment for the unauthorized destruction of the federal government and constitutional overreach (art 2)
• 14 amendment disqualification for organizing Jan 6 inserection
-50% of minerals to US for already given aid,NOT NEW AID
-status sqo for occupied land in ruSSian favour
-lifting sanctions to ruSSia
-zelensky leaves
-no NATO
-no aid
If not sign:
-status sqo for occupied land in ruSSian favour
-lifting sanctions to ruSSia
-no NATO
-no aid
Only thing I would watch on PPV.
Sedition is overt conduct, such as speech or organization that tends toward rebellion against the established order. Sedition often includes subversion of a constitution & incitement of discontent toward, or insurrection against, established authority.
Idk if we're gonna hear about their anger soon if ever, or if they'll walk in the street as brown shirts.
Take memes to Twitter/X
They need it.
Why is he still in office?
Are GOP congressmembers getting death threats? This is a very serious question.
Otherwise, why would they allow this country to become an ally with our biggest enemies? How do they or the USA gain?
It’s obviously now, it’s up to the every day America to solve this asap.
Next, Trump will dismantle NATO. As predicted.
Do NOT watch tonight!
He’s giving our country to our enemies
Any elected republican supporting this "bloodless coup" can be arrested and easily prosecuted at the state level.
A Georgia Grand Jury indicted Trump for violating his oaths of office.
Force state AG's to do their jobs.
Republicans rejected spending for thousands of Border guards, amnesty judges, processing folks for years since 2021.
Texas and Arizona should be forced to pay for the immigration problem, they created the problem.
Republicans wasted more money than we have have spent providing arms made in the U.S. to Ukraine by not passing a budget in 2023 or 2024. Take your pick.
The last time republicans passed a budget, Clinton was in the Oval.
White House seeks plan for possible Russia sanctions relief, sources say - https://www.reuters.com/world/white-house-seeks-plan-possible-russia-sanctions-relief-sources-say-2025-03-03/
Traitors get the hell out.
Ending a war with a nuclear power is a net benefit for humanity.
This isn't a partisan group.
They are giving the world a warning we cannot ignore.
Long live the Resistance.
Stop the Trump Pump & Dump.
"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."
Think this would be an excellent topic of discussion in today’s climate.
All the history I've studied says we kick kings and dictators in the balls and send 'em packing.
Is that expecting too much?
Jesus H
This has been his obvious goal since his first RIGGED occupation of the WH
How stupid must people BE to belive this is some hidden secret ffs?!
He couldn’t be more obvious if he tried
Donald Trump WAS Recruited as a Russian Spy in 1987: EX-KGB
Officer Makes Wild Allegation... and Even Claims Prez's Coded
Alias Was 'KRASNOV'