Pfft. Sadly, the Democrats don’t know how to fight. I’m embarrassed. What a bunch of useless pussies. I might have to change my party affiliation to Independent. “Democrat” sounds so wimpy, weak, and useless now.
Dems won't fight -- party leaders in Midwest states told some of our folks they refused to take action because they were "licking their wounds" and "sad Harris lost." This is a CONSTITUTIONAL CRISIS, we can't afford to sit on the sidelines and wait it out! FIGHT!
Joe,I just read an article about the Dems trying to form a new party.They are working behind the scenes and looking at getting RID of the OLD DOGS and LEARNING NEW WAYS TO FIGHT.The House did well the Senate has a LONG WAY TO GO!
Agreed!!! Dems are showing weakness, except a small few. They need to unite under a powerful message and push it through. It’s time to fight back… it’s been time to fight back.
Joe, I wish you would teach them how to fight. It feels like the people are being lead by wilting, fading, little flowers. Damn, what is wrong with them?
I think many former Republicans have been trying to do this since about 2017? As long as these Senators and Reps - who have been in office for years and years - keep getting elected, nothing will change. We need much younger people willing to serve their country in Congress. Til then we’re screwed.
Please do. We need you. I don’t agree with you on some things, but we can argue about policy later. We’ve got a democracy to save now and we need principled, bold leadership.
What could be great: use your Tea Party experience to help form an actual grassroots "Constitutional Alliance" that recruits lawmakers to fight together however, whenever, wherever possible for the defense and preservation of the US Constitution, regardless of party. This could scale to a 3rd party.
Trump is evil, calculating and without any morality. But he is also extraordinarily stupid and ignorant. Go on offensive with trump. Serious attack. No guardrails on the attacks.
Metaphorically kick him in the balls and spit in his face. The. Watch him whine and run
He was/is afraid of and I was so hopeful we'd have someone to fight for us, but then Gav turned tail and became a neonazi platforming, loudly transphobic, Joe Rogan wannabe. Devastating.
Schumer doing his best Munich 1938 impression is democrats fighting. So pathetic and if I donated all the money currently in my wallet (a whopping $12) would you consider showing these losers how to fight?
You said you'd "grab your musket" if Hillary won and you've never explained yourself. We don't want your brand of fighting. It sucks and it's ineffective.
I always get the impression that trump is a fearful coward. If someone verbally dressed him down, he would cower and try to strike back from a hidden position.
If many people addressed him harshly and bluntly in person, he might run away and hide. Hopefully in Russia.
You, Adam Kinzinger, and a lot of the Principles First folks, that's why I admire y'all more than many members of my own party. You own it and don't cave and bend the knee.
As a dem I would vote for you. I am over the Dems who are not willing to fight for their principles. To me I would rather have someone who will stand up to 45/47 even if I disagree with them on some policy things.
I left the Republican Party after the January 6th disgrace. Initially it was hard to adjust to being an Independent with the 2-party paradigm. But after a while, I realized I don’t have to be a member of a party. In fact, just belonging blinds you to the destruction that both parties bring to the US
Joe, since 2016, I’ve been asking you, and to engage more fully with the Ds. Because y’all were fully engaged in Never Tr- (I can’t even type the word). We desperately need folks like you to help right this ship. Climb aboard. You can always leave.
Absolutely. I reached out to Jason Crow’s office in Colorado about running for office and talked to some kid who was probably 21 years old and said he would connect me with people in my area within the party…. And I got nothing from them after the conversation. I would destroy the GOP and got nothin
We’re all Bernie Bros now
Metaphorically kick him in the balls and spit in his face. The. Watch him whine and run
The democrats are about as right wing as you are these days.
That's it.
If many people addressed him harshly and bluntly in person, he might run away and hide. Hopefully in Russia.
The Democratic Party has no spine.
No cloture, Resist hard, all Dem Senators have my permission to stop this spending agenda, shut this down & American people will resist with you
Call U.S. Congress