Just now realizing how negative this is LOL, I do enjoy most of the game, it's just that none of it is all that noteworthy or special. I also wasn't trying to tread on ground that's already been covered, like 2-3 being ass, we all know that already. I tried to be a bit unique in my takes :P
The game is easy yet incredibly punishing at times, one time I died in the final level about 3/4 through and had to start from the beginning, which was NOT fun.
There are a lot of moments that are funny at your expense rather than at the game's expense (or even better no one's expense). Also it just throws tedious tasks at you every other chapter and it gets really annoying very fast.
Chapter 5 is the best chapter in the game. I don't think I have a single major issue with it or how it was executed. Also Floro Sapiens Cavern is a bop of a tune.
I despise the camera in 7-3. In general the camera is pretty bad in vertical areas, but it's at it's worst (over)there because of Luigi's high jump and how the camera updates its position.
The bosses are a mixed bag imo. Fracktail, Francis, Brobot (and Brobot L-Type), and the final bosses are probably my favorites, tho the rest lack a lot of variety, notably in arena design. It always feels like it's just a room or something similar. Probably a me thing tho.