Question for people following my account: what do you like about my art in general?
Is there something (a character / setting / etc) you would love to see me draw sometime?
Is there something (a character / setting / etc) you would love to see me draw sometime?
1 / 4
2: ya draw em engaging in first-time, initiation, or otherwise bottoms realising it feels gooooood!
3: a healthy dose of bottoms getting to hands-free is always appreciated! β₯οΈ
Your anatomy is really impressive and everything is so clear and expressive while making very good use of extra details.
Not to mention I'm liking the look of these scenarios too~
Really great stuff.
I would definitely like to see you draw stuff like TF or more gear like harnesses, collars, latex, etc. :3
As to "is there something you'd like to see me draw", you have not left me wanting in that regard. You've done so many great pieces and characters and positions that almost anything I could want, you've already done :)
And I really like your style, body shapes, etc.