During a battle, he was forced to fight alongside someone who relied on tech! The robo malfunctioned, resulting in him losing his arm-This event solidified his hatred of tech and the person involved.
Legion: Aaaah i can respect someone who doesn't take the first offere they get from...a shady character such as me.
so i'll sweetin the deal, i can give you an arm, not of advence tech...but of flesh and blood, no metal, no ciruits, no nerual links, just pure flesh, blood, and bone.
"Flesh 'n blood eh? sounds real sweet comin' from someone who thinks id fall for a trick like that. You reckon id trust a bloke like you to mess with my body? nah, keep your offers, mate. i dont need your dirty deals to prove i'm stronger than you'll ever be."
(and sure, i can tell you about legions, hes one of my most worked on OCs, along with Alexia, since they both work together, both of there stories are connected to eachother)
What happened to him? 🫢
he went through a lot of traumatic events, poor guy just wanted to have a normal life but.. ig life had other plans-
I feel bad for him. He's a prick to Jewel, but that's so tragic... 😕
He will hurt himself, or worse, someone else, if his anger and hate is not controlled. 😤
he has a lot of unresolved trauma TvT
idk why i dont feel that connected to him- ugh.. maybe i need to dress him up?? or tie up his hair?
i appreciate the compliment!!💚 >:)
Also perf! design, imo!
(cuz i had too much trouble drawing him..)
I love his accesories! Poor dude has had it rough ;v;
Would not be a fan of Jo 😅
Maybe add 200 more belts on him :>
Great one tho xD
Just gotta wrap all those belts around your whole xD
(also awesome art style, cool OC too =w=)
FWAAAHHH!! LOTS OF GREEN IN GOING CRAZY💚💥 this is SO COOL! i like Legion SO much! tell me about him PLEAse?
(also sorry but Rogar HATES tech!)
so i'll sweetin the deal, i can give you an arm, not of advence tech...but of flesh and blood, no metal, no ciruits, no nerual links, just pure flesh, blood, and bone.
Yeah... Rogar doesnt take deals--..
*takes off his cape and throws it away*
Are not as fals as your prevado....
So come forth and show me your strength with half of you
(Legion so his type, guys who need a proof of strength to see the gaps between them and him)
"Half of me's still more than enough to flatten ya. But if you're so keen on seein' where you stand, lets dance mate.
hope you're ready to eat those words."