Sie haben es wirklich getan: Transfrauen ins Männergefängnis gebracht
Reposted from
Sam Levin
We've confirmed the US Bureau of Prisons has transferred trans women to men's prisons despite three court rulings blocking Trump's executive order
“I’m continuing to be punished for existing. I'm a pawn in others' political games" -Whitney, 31-year-old woman taken to men's prison this week, told us
“I’m continuing to be punished for existing. I'm a pawn in others' political games" -Whitney, 31-year-old woman taken to men's prison this week, told us
Die Frauen erwartet lebensbedrohlicher Terror aber für nen sarkastischen Spruch ist's ne tolle Grundlage ja?
(Ich meine nicht die Häftlinge).