Why the hate? Turn it into a memorial a la WTC site in NYC. The bases of both towers are etched with the names of those who lost their lives, and are water fountains - I've seen it with my own eyes & it would be a nice (for want of a better word) memorial to those who died in that awful tragedy.
What are they meant to do Keep it up in perpetuity? Should have happened already with an appropriate memorial. Outrage should be about the length of time of the inquiry and inaction
The Tangerine Tantrum is eyeing up Gaza whilst bodies are still warm getting better press
I understand the loss that happened at Grenfell but rather than a constant reminder of a burnt out building. Have a beautiful space with a garden full of white roses and something with people's name on it, where people can sit and reflect.
What else would they do with it? Better to knock it down and put up some decent housing from the council waiting list. You would have no problems filling it despite the history. The real crime is how long the legal process to find those responsible has taken.
Quite misleading headline as this is not echoed by all. Yes, it must be heartbreaking but it cannot be left in place forever and be a danger for others. A much more fitting memorial for victims and families is surely a resolution.
Why is Angela Rayner facing a “backlash” about announcement of demolition of uninhabitable, irreparable, ever deteriorating, structurally unsound tower block.
I’ve every sympathy with the survivors of Grenfell inferno but the notion they should have been “consulted” is preposterous
What are they meant to do Keep it up in perpetuity? Should have happened already with an appropriate memorial. Outrage should be about the length of time of the inquiry and inaction
The Tangerine Tantrum is eyeing up Gaza whilst bodies are still warm getting better press
I’ve every sympathy with the survivors of Grenfell inferno but the notion they should have been “consulted” is preposterous