It is sad and shameful to see the President and Vice President of the United States behave so unworthily in a meeting with an ally fighting for their country’s and people’s survival. The only one benefiting from what is happening now is US puppetmaster Vladimir Putin. Europe at least has your back🇺🇦
I think prime minister of the UK should have gone after the president of Ukraine and seen how Donald trump treated him before offering the offering the state visit not give it to him first. Now the car take it back. Unfortunately we play cards the wrong way as trump would say
Dear #PresidentZelenskyyUA, #SlavaUkraini
#DonaldTrump & #JDVance are a utter disgrace to America, It is obvious to the entire free world they are both #PutinsBitches
The rest of the rational free world support you & Ukraine.
Together We are Stronger
❤️🇵🇱❤️🇪🇺♥️🇺🇦 +Europes Nato💪
What an embarrassment for the American people Trump and Vance are. Speaking down to a sitting president in the way they did illustrates their total lack of manners, professionalism, intelligence and respect, and over Zelensky showing ways diplomacy hasn’t worked with Putin in the past.
This wasn’t disrespectful as Vance put it, it’s standing up for your country, something the Billionaires destroying the States know nothing about. Walking out of the White House rather than sitting and taking that immature bullying shows how strong and professional Zelensky is as a leader.
Set up by Trump to discredit Zelensky and force him to resign and pave the way for Russia to put in a Russian stooge.Does Europe need any more evidence that Trump is no ally and is supporting Putin?
Fiery? The public ambush of Volodymyr Zelensky by Donald Trump and JD Vance in the Oval Office this afternoon was by far the most disgraceful, despicable political knifing I've ever seen. If you can report accurately, say nothing.
#DonaldTrump & #JDVance are a utter disgrace to America, It is obvious to the entire free world they are both #PutinsBitches
The rest of the rational free world support you & Ukraine.
Together We are Stronger
❤️🇵🇱❤️🇪🇺♥️🇺🇦 +Europes Nato💪