I wish people were smart enough to see through the BS. I remember asking questions on Sunday School and the answer was always “You have to believe” Nope
What greatly concerns me is Huckabee as ambassador to and Hegseth as Sec of Defense. The fatalism evangelical thinking that there’s gonna be an Armageddon and the gleeful hope for ushering in the return doesn’t make for logical decisions. A Valhalla myth, an excuse to send the world into chaos.
Who would have guessed then that based on your criteria the entire Catholic Church is a white supremacist organization since they CURRENTLY use the Jerusalem Cross as a symbol on and the title of the Vatican Newsletter.
Why would a man born in 1980 stand behind a Hopkinson flag? Why would he not tattoo the American flag on his right arm? He's a walking colonialism relic. The majority of his tattoos celebrate 1775 & 13 colonies.
Hegseths tattoos are about the Crusades. Guess who he wants to crusade against? From https://Military.com reporter, Steve Beynon: In one of his books, Pete Hegseth, Trump's pick for SecDef calls for a literal holy war against the left. This was written while he was a serving as an officer in the Guard."
I'm so tired of all the new converts. The exact same evangelicals that used to tell me that Catholics were not real Christians have converted and are absolutely ruining the Church I grew up in.
I noticed this trend as well. Catholic Bishops need to step up and call out this bigotry otherwise a lot of good Catholics are going to walk away from congregations. I’m one of them. I will never lose my faith in God, but I’m beginning to lose faith in organized religion.
The Republican arm of the church aided and abetted by Bishops and Cardinals like Barron, Chaput and Broglio have made it a welcoming nest for serial adulterers, antisemites and sexual predators. My new mantra is “well behaved women rarely shatter the patriarchy.” That’s where I am
Do you follow @antifaoperative.bsky.social ? She is diligent in exposing the sex crimes against children - many by the religious right. Truly disgusting but necessary to be aware of. I don’t know how she stomachs it.
There's nothing good about any Christian because they're not Christians I am. I don't believe anything like them. They have been sent a strong delusion by SONNY. He wants them to believe the lie before he sends them off to mass extinction.
I had a friend who was Tea Party and later MAGAt. Her son played on a lacrosse team called the Crusaders. I asked her how she would feel about a team called the Jihadis. It didn't connect.
Not entirely true. The Crusades to the Holy Land and the resultant Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem represent a very complex period in the history of both Europe and the Levant. Of course, Hegseth is a knuckle-dragger that understands nothing about history or Christianity for that matter.
It was a racist religious war against the perceived “infidels” who had developed advanced mathematics when the Europeans were still counting on fingers and toes.
Ha, I wonder if it trended a long time ago and no one cares. Was seriously trying to think of motivating slogans after the election. Frustrating to see no movement so far. Keep it going!
The theory of the crusades as a way to funnel aggressive/angry young men onto the Ottomans to make them their problem is especially hilarious given the ✨discourse✨ around disillusioned young men in today's landscape
When my sibs and I were kids we thought this was a painting of our dad, a midwestern farmer who worked tirelessly against long odds to make sure our local public schools were the best they could be. I am so glad he is not here to see what America has become.
Let’s say his story is accurate…that he was too drunk and incapacitated to defend himself. He seems ripe to get honeypotted by a foreign country because he can’t control his liquor or himself.
I mean... the people involved would beg to differ. Whether or not it involved your Christian values, the crusaders definitely believed they were fighting in the name of Jesus Christ.
That's a bit of a revisionists history though Adam. There's nothing Christian about Crusades according to *most" modern day churches but all the verses that allowed the first crusade are still revered in that book. Today's Christians just like to pick and choose a bit better than yesterday's.
I feel confident that, if Jesus ever existed, he would be against an armed attack on people. Seems like he’d be more likely to sit with them and talk. But what do I know, I’m an atheist.
Someone needs to remind him of the cannibalism and other atrocities the West committed during the Crusades. Or, maybe he knows exactly what he is talking about and is telling us what is to come.
Emperor Constantine saw the Southern Cross, a configuration of stars in the Southern Hemisphere, and thought it a sign that the Romans would be victorious in a battle, so, "Christ" replaced "Mars" as a "god of war" for a Christian Europe.
I beg to differ. The history of. Christianity is Christians imposing their views and beliefs on others. The crusades were just one of the most violent versions (so far) of that.
Amen to that!! There is nothing Christian about HATING AND HURTING people either!! Why are people so confused about that? I just don’t understand! It’s right the OPPOSITE Of what Jesus Christ instructs us to be like!
Disagree. The Crusades were very Christian. Crusades detoured into rival Christian lands & used as a front to steal land & wealth from fellow Christians. Allegedly the first 10K people slaughtered in the Crusades were non-European Christians who didn't make the sign of the cross right.
It's a bit like when I was young and seeing a "swastika" on a giant Buddha in a Chinese temple.
Since, I thought, these people in the Nazis were not of original thought.
Just hate.
Many horrific acts have been committed in the name of Christianity including as you say the crusades, and European colonialism, the Catholic Church abuses and Inquisition, etc.
These actions reflect the misuse of religion, not its teachings.
They would also have a hard time explaining why the ostensible Christian nationalism seems to be exclusively *white* Christians.
The persecution and domination of other religions is very Christo-fascist.
Play with fire, get burned.
Since, I thought, these people in the Nazis were not of original thought.
Just hate.
These actions reflect the misuse of religion, not its teachings.
I still believe in the power of Love.