Last night was basically what we have seen before, except this time the GOP lacks anyone willing to do anything but dutifully stand and clap like its Kim Jung Un’s birthday.
SHITBIRD jd vance stood back there like a NAZI enforcer with his shit eating grin, johnson is as bad both lil' ASSKISSER
PUNK'S ❗ This entire maga CULT is INSANITY unleashed upon the Country, Sadly many buy into it❓
CBS News
Poll on Trump's 2025 joint address to Congress finds large majority of viewers approve
First, he lies (all the time). Than when challanged.
He lies about his own lies. Such that. After while -
He belives in his own lies as the only truth.
Go figure!!!!
Dear Donnie, You did real well last night. Keep working on expanding your cult. I'll contact you later this week so you will know what I want you to do next. Luv ya, Vlad P.
PutinsBiaatch45 is a Treasonous Traitorous Anti-American Domestic Terrorist ConvictedFelon45 who deserves nothing less than the death penalty under US Law for his treasonous acts!
And most citizens are asleep at the wheel still.
Every single one should have been marched out by SAA, an interruption every 30 seconds for two hours. Or preferably don't show up at all. AOC did not attend.
The D party presently is milquetoast, and needs replacement.
Do you truly believe anymore that the system will constrain him?
MAGA is ignorant. Willfully ignorant. That needs studying.
basically watching & not doing anything other than posturing.
Enough with the recaps of what Repubs are doing or shaking your finger at them & actually DO SOMETHING!
So, yeah...
Good god. We are going to lose our country, not because trump wants to be a dictator but because Democrats lack competence and a plan.
You should abandon it, and join the Democratic Party as a Conservative Democrat - there's room for you!
America cut a key intel link for alerts at 2pm Kyiv. Before that: targeting data for HIMARS. Ukraine also isn’t receiving realtime information for long-range strikes. “Trump wanted a thank you,” says a source. “We will be writing it on graves of dead Ukrainians”
There is no way that guy is serious about governing
Save America and the world and fix that party
Ron DeSantis trying to arrest sexual perverted Tate>????
and this happened and GOP act like we are a fucking
bunch of mafia stooges?
They gave him up for.. listening to Dementia Don some more? 🤯
Obviously the majority of them does not care.
Like they don't care about legality.
Did you know a president cannot legaly put up tariffs except in previously declared emergency?
Congress only.
Dems know.
They will start fighting as they try to build a new government. Each has a different vision for the future:
Tech Bros = technofascism
Heritage Fnd. = theocracy
Russia = autocratic oligarchy
This must be stopped!
Protest! Resist!
When do they turn on him? They don’t like him. There is obviously a level of institutional damage they want. Is it locked in one-party rule or something else?
The New Deal programs seem like another possible target, but they’d have that blood on their hands.
"Gulp. There went the last shred of my soul"
I wonder if their legs hurt today? 🤣
"We gonna get Greenland one way or the other"
laughter "Hahahaha yeah Invasion amirite. MAGA!!"
Trump's plans for "State of the Union" 2026 are already underway...
. . . it's so incredibly sad what's happening in America right now.
💠 😔 💠
For the House budget vote - there was one lone Republican voice who spoke out.. ONE
Seems again reality is on the opposite side of the Dems and certainly here on BS.
Sea lions have external ears and can rotate their hips so are fairly mobile on land.
Seals don’t and don’t/ can’t, they wriggle on land like giant grubs.
I know, off point 😝 but now you know 😊
The green grass of America, made to believe it's not doing well, that the other side of the fence is stolen, taken away, but really belongs to it... According to the con man, who only wants to take what it already has!
1) Impeachment by Congress, &
2) the 2A by The People.
2A’s not off the table. Politicians in the swamp; the oligarchy in the WH should be verbally reminded of that.
So frustrating to watch that!!!
and that's about it
Be spinning in his grave.
King Don Goon
He's a traitor ! He has to be removed from Office. He's crazy, a lunatic. He will destroy America and the world.