We need to wear them down before they wear us down! Stop shopping Maga supported corporations, don’t buy cars if at all possible, don’t spend tourism money, don’t fly unless absolutely necessary, and KEEP continue being LOUDER than them!
This is in direct response to tRump’s demand of Ukraine. North American indigenous peoples should also demand reparations from the faux tRump admin for the atrocities enacted to them while our government conquered those nations for their land. Start at 200 trillion and return the land.
My grandmother grew up on a reservation in Montana. (Black Foot). My grandfather’s ancestry comes from Europe, so I have mixed feelings about your statement. But I believe all North American indigenous peoples deserve the money and their land back.
It's not like the American people are going to see it anyway! May as well pull a Canadian Jedi trick, too! Take our money, then use it against us to defend yourselves. 🤷♂️
Canada should charge for each time they sent airplanes to fight fire…HydroQuebec trucks to help repair US electricity network after a storm…all the help we gave on 9/11…
Perhaps all of the payments due and ongoing waste of money for golfing and partying should come directly out of GQP MAGA pockets. They voted for the unhinged lunatic, his illegal actions, inhumane policies, and failed diplomacy, so they can pay the bills.
Fyi Canada won the war! Even Ebbits Pub in Washington DC, despite American revisionism, acknowledges on the back of its menu that the Canadian Generals drank beer at Ebbits pub while watching the Whitehouse burn. Check it out.
I worked there in the early 80s - beautiful gorgeous I tell ya. I was a student, made a lot of tips while waiting tables. Bought a motorcycle cuz I couldn't afford a car then rode it through the Rockies. Didn't even know to downshift while climbing... uh found out the hard ahem way. Great memories.
On a serious note:
On the Freedom of Press index, the top-15 countries are ALL European + Canada.
You know where the USA stands?
55. 55!
"Free Speech" in the USA is worse than in Romania, Moldova, Ghana & Uruguay! - Scores for 2024
2025 will be wáy worse
We should create a special trust fund funded by a 50% annnual income tax on US billionaires to start working on the pay-down. After revoking their visas so they can't leave, of course.
We've just given money to Ukaine without losing any if our troops. France sent part of their army to help us. Some of those troops died or were wounded. How much is weregild these days?
Ha ha ha ha. That's hilarious. As 47 gets even more ridiculous the international community mirrors it to show how obnoxious he is. I'm totally here for it.
Maybe Mexico should have it territory back as well?
The treaty, 1848, ended the war between the US & Mexico. By its terms, Mexico ceded 55 percent of its territory, including the present-day states California, Nevada, Utah, New Mexico, most of Arizona,Colorado, & parts of Oklahoma, Kansas, & Wyoming
I have nothing against CO. I love it. We’re too far south for Canada to take us, so Mexico can have us. I don’t want to live in Trump world. If borders can be redrawn, I’m all for it. Also, we may vote Blue, but we are registered Purple 😊
I misunderstood. I thought you meant to get RID of Colorado, when you meant for it to escape trump world. I live in the middle of red-state trumpland, but won’t leave my family, and they’ve worked hard to establish medical practices here. So I’ll remain a blue dot here. Unless civil war breaks out.
I get it. It turned out to be a very long back and forth from the original post!! Crazy! I’m sorry you’re in the middle of Trump land. Maybe they’ll turn on him once he takes away everything.
Today I announce that I sold Alaska to France to wipe out our debt from the revolutionary war. France sold it to Putin for $1 trillion and I, Donald J. Trump got a finders fee of 1/100th of a percent. Simply tremendous deal. Best deal of all time. And now, America is great again!!
Ha! Brilliant! That loan was effectively never repaid as Benjamin Franklin guaranteed and succeeded in tanking the French economy resulting in the French Revolution!
But does MAGA know that? We all know they don't read or know the history of James Swan bailing us out of that and so on. I paid attention in history and didn't even know that until I did some deep dives on our liberation.
Cher président Macron, nous vous implorons de reprendre votre cadeau de la Statue de la Liberté pour la garder en toute sécurité jusqu'à la défaite de la tyrannie. Cela peut prendre un moment.
Musing about how the U.S. effed up their main democratic competition, the British Empire, after WW1, & the Commonwealth, after WW2, with dodgy loans etc.
Brits weren't saints, but that was the closest we got on the way to Global Democracy I reckon...
I LOVE IT! Call in those bills world. Bury this orange fool in debt. I knew the US was going to hell with this moron in charge, and all I can do now his sit back watch him fail and go out and find some good trouble to get into.
Yeah, T-rump & his maggots don’t understand the concept of doing something and not expecting anything in return but doing it because it’s the right thing to do. Everything is transactional in their view. Completely against Jesus’ teachings.
It’s rarely a transaction which implies something goes in both directions. Trump doesn’t pay - at least not on the originally agreed terms. He’s a gangster!
Canada submitting its bill for the Gulf War, Korean War, Afganistan and 911 and all the crude oil sold at under market value.
Apparently, as a gesture, they are throwing in the waterbombers in California free of charge.
It's a meme but, seriously, the US was partly responsible for the French Revolution. By not repaying the debt to France for the American Revolution, France sunk into debt, non-aristocrats were being made to pay it and Louis and Marie-Antoinette lost their heads.
I'm of 2 minds about that....
I can hear trump's brain scrambling this morning. Maybe Macron should demand the Statue of Liberty be returned to France since it was just a loan as well. I can see republicans rushing to their desks wanting to be the first to write freedom fires, and freedom dressing legislation.
"Between 1778 and 1782 the French provided supplies, arms and ammunition, uniforms, and, most importantly, troops and naval support to the beleaguered Continental Army."https://history.state.gov/milestones/1776-1783/french-alliance
We said the French would be speaking German if not for us. Then we changed the name of French 🍟 fries to freedom fries. History is often forgotten. The evil orange man thinks he's entitled to the Nobel Peace Prize after he makes Ukraine give up everything. 🍔🐖🫏👹🤡💩😭🩵💛🇺🇦☮️🗽🗼
Macron did not take the Orange bs in 2019 or so when the Orange made an idiot joke about fighter jets. "Let's be serious."
Then he clearly demonstrated that Ivanka was another idiot.
And now, he corrects Orange on his face about Ukraine funds from EU.
Hi! Not sure if you know, but that’s not an official account. The word “officieux” in the handle means “not official”! Don’t think he has an account on here, unfortunately.
French now asking $150 TRILLION for Revolutionary War loan? PATHETIC! Our Founding Fathers NEVER paid debts, neither will I! America doesn't do interest - only WINNING!
Way to go dump, another can of worms opened for no good reason. After what you’re trying to do, raping other countries,now France is retroacting payment from our revolution with England with interest! And dump you think your the master of deal making? Great job asshole
I mean they kept on Haiti to pay reparations to the French plantation owners for 120+ years, with compounding interest, iirc. It seems perfectly reasonable to me.
Please sign and share.
Or Argentina? No! South-Africa!
So, you get a more equal fight for your right over there!
It's not like the American people are going to see it anyway! May as well pull a Canadian Jedi trick, too! Take our money, then use it against us to defend yourselves. 🤷♂️
Someone needs to downsize their big heads!
For real?
Didn’t see that coming.
Fuck trump for making this real.
Make the tangerine tyrant’s orange head explode! 🤯 🤣🤣🤣
And grant citizenship to residents of their former colonies in Africa.
Need a roommate? A tenant?
On the Freedom of Press index, the top-15 countries are ALL European + Canada.
You know where the USA stands?
55. 55!
"Free Speech" in the USA is worse than in Romania, Moldova, Ghana & Uruguay! - Scores for 2024
2025 will be wáy worse
Source: Reporters Sans Frontiers
Not to mention the thousands of French who fought in the U.S.
The treaty, 1848, ended the war between the US & Mexico. By its terms, Mexico ceded 55 percent of its territory, including the present-day states California, Nevada, Utah, New Mexico, most of Arizona,Colorado, & parts of Oklahoma, Kansas, & Wyoming
Wouldn’t that be a hoot…. All those racists becoming citizens of a country where THEY are the minority, month in ethnicity and numbers.
Special rules always applied to you, and you only.
Let’s stick with facts.
Brits weren't saints, but that was the closest we got on the way to Global Democracy I reckon...
Add the south part to Mexico and you end up with a romp state of USA. East coast to France, West coast to Canada, South coast to Mexico.
Kind of what the cosplay emperor is proposing to Ukraine, indeed. Putler wants Ukraine to be a romp-state around Kyiv, or something.
🇪🇺 🇺🇦 🇨🇦 🇲🇽 🇵🇱 🇬🇧 🇬🇱 🇩🇰
Would’ve been nice to see $trumpf’s face though. And read his comment.
Apparently, as a gesture, they are throwing in the waterbombers in California free of charge.
I'm of 2 minds about that....
I did check to see if it was from The Onion, though 😁
Funny, but fake.
I'm not sure if they would ROFL or LMAO, if he would be nominated. To be dismissed, of course.
The man child is delusional.
He’s not taking 💩 from the FELON
Then he clearly demonstrated that Ivanka was another idiot.
And now, he corrects Orange on his face about Ukraine funds from EU.
Oh. I thought it was just a common-knowledge meme.
You know, like this one below.
Mais bon, we have semi-free education, over here in Europe, so maybe that's why I'm surprised by your answer...
💙💛 Slava Ukraini! 💙💛
Countries insulted by the cosplay emperor of ex-USA: 32
🇪🇺 🇺🇦 🇨🇦 🇲🇽 🇬🇧 🇬🇱
It was nice having friends.
Let's see, it's been almost 250 years.
That's got to add up.