There is another part to this issue - both side are right in there own eyes, hence even the question from the kids will have different answers based on which side on the coin the person is.
I feel we're in the last throes of the Weimar Republic.
What event will be considered Kristalnact?
What event will be considered Night of The Long Knives?
My mom and dad were alive for both. I'm glad they aren't here anymore to have to deal with this.
Then we didn't want to seem political.
We were over medicated.
I don't like to get involved in politics.
I was too lazy to vote.
My vote meant nothing next to the electoral College.
1. Cowardice, Greed and a Lust for Power.....How many people knew how bad 45 was (and is) and remained silent?
How many "bent the knee" to save themselves, their career and their $$$$?
2. "There is a sucker born every minute" and Don the Con used that to full advantage
I'm asking this! It doesn't seem like anyone who we've hired to protect our interests is doing a damn thing about a silent coup happening right under their noses. And don't tell me it's not a coup when unqualified ppl that we haven't hired are slipping in & calling the shots!
Congress must not certify this election. They must demand an investigation now.
Trump did not win. He cheated with the help of Putin and Musk.
Furthermore, Trump is ineligible for instigating the insurrection.
If they get the chance to ask the question, it would mean we did something about it. The way things are going βschool choiceβ is going to cause the closure of public schools and bring us back to segregation. Many children will miss out on an education and the ones who get one wonβt be asking.
We have reached the part of our history that future children will not be able to read about. Either through lack of education or lack of available reding material. We will rely on other countries to note what mistakes we make here and now.
Becuse we have a weak complacent pathetic party called #democrats
Didn't hold garland to a higher standard
Didn't hold ANYONE accountable for ANYTHING
I used to tell my class, that we study history so that when it comes around again, and it will, if we didn't like the way it ended the first time; then we can change the way we respond.
Sometimes I wonder if any of my old students are hearing that lecture today. Is it ringing in their ears?
What event will be considered Kristalnact?
What event will be considered Night of The Long Knives?
My mom and dad were alive for both. I'm glad they aren't here anymore to have to deal with this.
We were over medicated.
I don't like to get involved in politics.
I was too lazy to vote.
My vote meant nothing next to the electoral College.
Might as well protest one last time
1. Cowardice, Greed and a Lust for Power.....How many people knew how bad 45 was (and is) and remained silent?
How many "bent the knee" to save themselves, their career and their $$$$?
2. "There is a sucker born every minute" and Don the Con used that to full advantage
Trump did not win. He cheated with the help of Putin and Musk.
Furthermore, Trump is ineligible for instigating the insurrection.
Free in kindle unlimited now!
The world one said "never again".
There's nothing to suggest kids are even interested in politics, unfortunately.
Federal government spends just .05/student/year on Civics.
Civics should be a mandatory course to graduate from high school.
We can answer those "why's."
Might help us all...
Didn't hold garland to a higher standard
Didn't hold ANYONE accountable for ANYTHING
I hope that it never makes sense.
Just like when we were learning about the Holocaust.
How can you understand brainwashed people unless you are one yourself?
Sometimes I wonder if any of my old students are hearing that lecture today. Is it ringing in their ears?