Truly astounding that your tool happened to appeal to 10 people who, collectively, have averaged publishing an expected 100 papers each using it over the past 4 years ;P.
It happens…. Great that the journal accepted in the end and it is doing well. I wrote about a similar experience a while ago…. Our paper now has over 900 citations!
As a reviewer, I _never_ comment on ”novelty and interest to a wide audience” negatively. In rare cases I may comment those positively. I only comment on data quality, statistics (if I can) and credibility of conclusions.
I conclude that at least 100,000 people have generated kmer plots from Illumina data — which is probably much closer to reality than the 1,000 people that reviewer #3 estimated 😃
Julius Marmur (!) once told me that when he submitted one of his classic papers on the relation btw G,C content and melting temperature, he got back a very nasty 13 page single spaced review
(kids, that is 13 pages hand typed )
I wish reviewers stop making editorial comments. Stick to your lane, review the paper and let the editor decide if the manuscript belongs in the journal or not.
(kids, that is 13 pages hand typed )