I think tourism to the US under this regime is a no go for most people. Who wants to visit a country where basic human rights are being eroded? trump has alienated all allies, he is deporting people without due process. The current regimes' policies are going to have long reaching implications.
Why is EVERYONE ignoring trump's outright confession in his J19'25 pre-inaguration rally speech full rally found on C-SPAN for verification @ 2:34:00 to 2:34:59 he says not once but 2Xs “they rigged the election”
Clip 👇🤨
Come to Far-Right America, experience the thrill of dodging bullets shopping or at a concert
Rub shoulders with the infected, test your vaccination status
Go ghetto, drink sewage from a lead pipe
Make your own facts
Shun the educated
See nature before its gone
All the dogs & cats you can eat*
* Ty A